Guidelines for Submissions

J.E.S. welcomes original manuscripts that focus on any dimension of dialogue within or among religious traditions. The editors prefer manuscripts of 15-35 pages in length, although shorter articles may also be considered. Articles should be formatted as typed in 12 pt. font size, double-spaced with 1" margins. Articles must not have been published elsewhere, and should differ substantially from any of the author’s previous publications.

Please submit your article via the digital platform here. Click the orange “Submit” button below and follow the directions for quick and easy submission. Please do not submit a manuscript that is simultaneously under consideration by any other journal.

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Review Process

If, after review by the editors, a manuscript is deemed appropriate for peer review, it will be read by three outside reviewers, selected for their qualifications to provide varying perspectives on a given article. Excerpts of the reviewers’ comments will be passed on anonymously to the author, whether or not the article is accepted. The review process generally takes 4–10 weeks. The editors will correspond with the author of an accepted article regarding any requested revisions. Once a manuscript is accepted for publication and is copy-edited, we will require a then-current c.v. in order to prepare a biographical paragraph on the author. We prefer to include the author’s religious affiliation, if possible.

Style Guidelines

If your manuscript is accepted for publication, it will be edited to conform to JES’s house style, which generally follows The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition. In particular, please observe the following conventions for footnotes:

Books – Include subtitle, series title, translator (if applicable).  If there are multiple authors listed on the title page, include up to four names in full; for more than four, include the first followed by et al. If there are more than four editors, include only the first and et al. If a book has both author(s) and editor(s), use this form: Author, Title, ed. Jean Jones (city: publisher, year), pp. 213–219.

Articles – Use author and article title as they appear on the first page of the article (if not in full there, then use Table of Contents version). If a full date is given on the journal, include it in this form: Author, “Title,” Journal 25 (March, 2002): 74–76; if only a year is given, include the journal volume and number in this form: Author, “Title” Journal, vol. 22, no. 3 (2002), pp. 74–76.

We avoid non-inclusive language about people and do not use masculine pronouns for God. Extended quotations in languages other than English should not appear in the text. If necessary to include the original language, translate quotations into English and include the original in footnotes. If a published English translation is available but your research has employed the foreign-language version, quote the English in the text and cite both the English translation and the foreign-language original in the footnote. Brief phrases or words in Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Cyrillic languages should be transliterated, and those in other languages should include all needed diacritical marks. If you quote from biblical or qur’ānic texts, include the translation used. Please check all quoted matter very carefully for complete accuracy. If you are using ellipses, it would be helpful to provide a photocopy of the original material.

Please review back (regular) issues of JES in order to see examples of these and other stylistic conventions.

All correspondence should be directed to:

Rebecca Mays, Managing Editor
Journal of Ecumenical Studies
