Journal of Ecumenical Studies
Contents of Volume 29 (1992)

Volume 29, Number 1 (Winter, 1992)


Revelation and Proclamation: Shifting Paradigms
by Mary Catherine Hilkert 1

"Syncretistic Religiosity": The Significance of This Tautology
by Jeffrey Carlson 24

The Dublin Statement and Women's Ordination
by Peter Anthony Baktis 35

Atonement in Judaism and Christianity: Toward a Rapprochement
by John C. Lyden 47

After Historical Criticism, What? Trends in Biblical Interpretation and Ecumenical, Interfaith Dialogues
by John Reumann 55

Volume 29, Number 2 (Spring, 1992)

Buber and Tillich
by David Novak 159

Revelation in Comparative Perspective: Lessons for Interreligious Dialogue
by David Carpenter 175

The Dominican and the Dervish: A Christian-Muslim Dialogue that Might Have Been between Thomas Aquinas and Jalal ad-Din Rumi
by John Renard 189

The Taizé Community: Fifty Years of Prayer and Action
by Douglas A. Hicks 202

The Universal Attitude of Shinto as Expressed in the Shinto Sect KurozumikyÇ
by Willis Stoesz 215

Exclusion and Embrace: Theological Reflections in the Wake of "Ethnic Cleansing"
by Miroslav Volf 230

Volume 29, Number 3-4 (Summer-Fall, 1992)

Reflections by a Pentecostalist on Aspects of BEM
by Harold D. Hunter 317

Globalization, Pluralism, and Ecumenics: The Old Question of Catholicity in a New Cultural Horizon
by Mark S. Burrows 346

World Community and Religion
by Robert Cummings Neville 368

The Ecumenical Commitment to Human Rights
by Franklin H. Littell 383

The Church Learning and the Church Teaching: Vatican II and the Liberal Tradition of Religious Freedom
by Robert J. O'Donnell 399

Words, Symbols, Experience, and the Naming of the Divine
by Larry Dwight Shinn 418

Jesus' Death by Crucifixion in the Qur'~n: An Issue for Interpretation and Muslim-Christian Relations
by Michael G. Fonner 432

Explorations and Responses:

Christian-Jewish Dialogue
by Isaac C. Rottenberg 87

Response to Eugene J. Fisher
by Martin S. Jaffee 96

Reply to Lillian Sigal
by Jacob Neusner 100

Abraham Joshua Heschel: The Inadequacy of the Ecumenical Perspective
by David R. Blumenthal 249

Christians and Jews: Coexistence in the New Europe
by Hans Ucko 254

Meeting Jacob at the Jabbok: Wrestling with a Text--A Midrash on Genesis 32:22-32
by Henry F. Knight 451

Social Theory, Language, and the Crisis in Anglican Pluralism
by Chris Barrigar 461

A Response to Chris Barrigar's "Social Theory, Language, and the Crisis in Anglican Pluralism"
by Pierre W. Whalon 466

Book Reviews 104-133, 260-286, 470-495

Books Received 133-135, 286-288, 495-499

Ecumenical Events 136-148, 289-296, 500-512

Ecumenical Resources 149-158, 297-316, 513-530